Namespace ICanBoogie
Namespaces summary
ICanBoogie\Autoconfig |
ICanBoogie\Binding |
ICanBoogie\Core |
ICanBoogie\Routing |
ICanBoogie\Session |
Classes summary
AlreadyAuthenticated | Exception thrown when the user is already authenticated. |
Core | Core of the ICanBoogie framework. |
Debug | |
Helpers | Patchable helpers of the ICanBoogie package. |
Hooks | |
Logger | A message logger using the core's session to store the messages. |
LogLevel | Adds the SUCCESS level to the PSR. |
SessionWithEvent | Extends the Session class to fire ICanBoogie\Session::start when a session is started. |
Interfaces summary
LoggerInterface | Extends the PSR interface with the following methods: |
Traits summary
AppAccessor | Accessor for the $app property. |
LoggerTrait | Adds the success() method to the PSR. |
Exceptions summary
CoreAlreadyBooted | Exception thrown in attempt to boot the application a second time. |
CoreAlreadyInstantiated | Exception thrown in attempt to create a second instance. |
CoreAlreadyRunning | Exception thrown in attempt to run the core a second time. |
CoreNotInstantiated | Exception thrown in attempt to obtain the core before is has been instantiated. |
Constants summary
Functions summary
app | Returns the ICanBoogie\Core instance. |
boot | Instantiates a ICanBoogie\Core instance with the autoconfig and boots it. |
excerpt | Creates an excerpt of an HTML string. |
generate_token | Generate a password. |
generate_token_wide | Generate a 512 bit (64 chars) length token from TOKEN_WIDE. |
get_autoconfig | Returns the autoconfig. |
log | Logs a debug message. |
log_error | Logs an error message. |
log_info | Logs an info message. |
log_success | Logs a success message. |
log_time | Logs a debug message associated with a timing information. |
resolve_app_paths | Resolves the paths where the application can look for config, locale, modules, and more. |
resolve_instance_name | Resolves application instance name. |
strip_root | Removes the DOCUMENT_ROOT from the provided path. |