Namespace ICanBoogie\Facets
Namespaces summary
ICanBoogie\Facets\RecordCollection |
Classes summary
BooleanCriterion | A boolean criterion. |
Criterion | Representation of a generic criterion. |
CriterionList | A list of criteria. |
CriterionNotDefined | Exception thrown in attempt to use a criterion that is not defined. |
CriterionValue | Representation of a generic criterion value. |
Fetcher | Fetch records from a model. |
IntervalCriterionValue | Representation of an interval, suitable for the SQL BETWEEN operator. |
QueryString | Representation of a query string. |
QueryStringWord | Representation of a query string word. |
RecordCollection | A collection of records fetched by a ICanBoogie\Facets\Fetcher instance. |
SetCriterionValue | Representation of a set of values, suitable for the SQL IN() function. |
Interfaces summary
CriterionInterface | An interface common to Criteria. |
FetcherInterface | Interface for an active record fetcher that supports external conditions. |
Traits summary
CriterionTrait | Trait for a generic criterion. |
FetcherTrait | Traits for an active record fetcher class. |
HumanizePairsTrait | A trait that implements |
ModelBindings | ActiveRecord\Model prototype bindings. |
ParseQueryStringTrait | Use this trait to parse the query string against an array of normalized matchables. |