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* This file is part of the ICanBoogie package.
* (c) Olivier Laviale <olivier.laviale@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace ICanBoogie\Module\Operation;
use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord;
use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\SchemaColumn;
use ICanBoogie\ErrorCollection;
use ICanBoogie\Module;
use ICanBoogie\Operation;
* The "save" operation is used to create or update a record.
* @property array $properties The properties to save.
class SaveOperation extends Operation
* Change controls:
* - CONTROL_FORM: true
* @return array
protected function get_controls()
return [
self::CONTROL_RECORD => true,
self::CONTROL_OWNERSHIP => true,
self::CONTROL_FORM => true
] + parent::get_controls();
* Filters out the operation's parameters, which are not defined as fields by the
* primary model of the module, and take care of filtering or resolving properties values.
* Fields defined as 'boolean'
* ---------------------------
* The value of the property is filtered using the filter_var() function and the
* FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN filter. If the property in the operation params is empty, the
* property value is set the `false`.
* Fields defined as 'varchar'
* ---------------------------
* If the property is not empty in the operation params, the property value is trimmed using the
* trim() function, ensuring that there is no leading or trailing white spaces.
* **Note::** The getter should only be called during the {@link process()} method.
* @return array The properties of the operation.
protected function lazy_get_properties()
$schema = $this->module->model->extended_schema;
$request = $this->request;
$properties = array_intersect_key($request->params, $schema->columns);
foreach ($schema as $identifier => $column)
$type = $column->type;
if ($type == SchemaColumn::TYPE_BOOLEAN)
if ($column->null && ($request[$identifier] === null || $request[$identifier] === ''))
$properties[$identifier] = null;
if (empty($properties[$identifier]))
$properties[$identifier] = false;
$properties[$identifier] = filter_var($properties[$identifier], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
else if ($type == SchemaColumn::TYPE_VARCHAR)
if (empty($properties[$identifier]) || !is_string($properties[$identifier]))
$properties[$identifier] = trim($properties[$identifier]);
return $properties;
* Overrides the getter to prevent exceptions when the operation key is empty.
protected function lazy_get_record()
return $this->key ? parent::lazy_get_record() : null;
* Overrides the method in order for the control to pass if the operation key is empty, which
* is the case when creating a new record.
protected function control_record()
return $this->key ? parent::control_record() : true;
* The method simply returns true.
* @param ErrorCollection $errors
* @return bool
protected function validate(ErrorCollection $errors)
return true;
* Creates or updates a record in the module's primary model.
* A record is created if the operation's key is empty, otherwise an existing record is
* updated.
* The method uses the `properties` property to get the properties used to create or update
* the record.
* @return array An array composed of the save mode ('update' or 'new') and the record's
* key.
* @throws \RuntimeException when saving the record fails.
protected function process()
$key = $this->key;
$properties = $this->properties;
$log_params = [ 'key' => $key, 'module' => $this->module->title ];
$record = $this->record = $key
? $this->update_record($properties)
: $this->create_record($properties);
$record_key = $record->save();
catch (ActiveRecord\RecordNotValid $e)
throw $e;
if (!$record_key)
throw new \RuntimeException($this->format($key ? 'Unable to update record %key in %module.' : 'Unable to create record in %module.', $log_params));
$this->response->location = $this->request->uri;
$this->response->message = $this->format($key ? 'The record %key in %module has been saved.' : 'A new record has been saved in %module.', $log_params);
return [ 'mode' => $key ? 'update' : 'new', 'key' => $record_key ];
* Update the operation record with properties.
* @param array $properties
* @return ActiveRecord
protected function update_record(array $properties)
return $this->record->assign($properties);
* Creates a record from properties.
* @param array $properties
* @return ActiveRecord
protected function create_record(array $properties)
return $this->module->model->new($properties);